What We Look for in Instructors:
The goal of our instructors is to connect young people with tech. We make it a focus to seek out teachers who can inspire passion & positivity. They help to introduce the world of tech to students through coding but more importantly guiding them on the journey of learning about themselves.
The Web Development Instructor will:
- Work collaboratively with neighborhood sites to recruit & select students for the Creator & Maker Cross-Training
- Plan, create and deliver lectures in accordance with the pace of the class
- Be able to pivot your own lesson plans by anticipating last-minute changes based on class progress and learning goals
- Develop and lead student projects throughout the program
- Foster an environment that is safe and collaborative through engagement and development of positive relationships.
- Accompany students on Vision Casting trips to local tech businesses & trips outside of NYC
- Meet weekly with Lead Instructor & President
- Meet individually with students & provide weekly reports on progress
- Work collaboratively with sites on integrating Code for Life into the fabric of their program
- Meet with neighborhood stakeholders
- Accompany staff on meetings with potential funders
- Attend Conferences
- Participate in the program evaluation process
- Commit to being available to work afterschool hours 2:30PM – 7PM Monday – Friday
Qualifications for Web Development Instructor:
- A framework of church culture & ministry mindset
- Must demonstrate intimate knowledge of HTML and CSS and at least one of the following languages such as JavaScript, React & Node.js.
- Demonstrated ability to work with high-risk youth & relational approach to ministry
- Teaching principles & pedagogy
- Understanding of youth culture, poverty, and neighborhood & family dynamics
- Growth & Learning Mindset
- Ability to collaborate
- Understanding of creative process
- BS preferred but not mandatory.
Resume & References Required:
- Pastor or Mentor
- Previous Employer
- Co-Worker or Colleague
Background Check will be required by both Nyack College & individual sites so one will be required before starting.

2 Washington Street, 20th Floor
New York, NY 10004
Contact Us
- ctroy@codeforlife.us
(917) 405-3612